I like to think of myself as a collector of connections. It’s an accurate way to describe the joy I get from meeting new people, and it’s a lot less threatening than saying I’m a “collector of people.” Win/win, right? There’s just something about feeling the spark of something new and exciting the first few minutes after an introduction, and it was especially strong with Dany. He and his family had met me at a local coffeehouse to talk through some photography possibilities, and his passion for his work and the people he serves was evident within the first few minutes of conversation. My coffee all but forgotten, we chatted for well over an hour before we actually got to talking shop.

Thinking back, I picture that first meeting as if I was a bystander taking in the view. I can see the three of us sitting at our picnic table keeping an eye on their adorable son as he played on the nearby stage, and the barista bustling around behind the open window as she prepared the next order. I hear the gentle tapping of another patron’s boot against the wooden deck, and the nearby traffic flowing down the street. It’s not that I wasn’t present with them in our conversation. I think it’s that talking about one another’s work with Dany and his wife Nadia made me feel… bigger. Connected, like I was a part of something outside of that moment. When I left that day, I was excited for Steph to meet them because I knew she would feel the same. Thankfully, it wasn’t long after that Dany booked his headshot session and Steph got to hear his story firsthand.

Steph Grant Studios is obviously in the business of representation, and I think that as a community we sometimes forget that it’s multi-faceted. Yes, as a gender-fluid queer person, seeing myself represented in media and other historically exclusive spaces is incredibly empowering; however, seeing a cisgender straight ally fighting for our inclusion equally empowers me, and I’m hopeful it empowers others to be allies. For me, Dany and the Hanna Gender Center are a reminder that we are not an island entire of itself, and I hope you enjoying learning a bit more about his work.

How did you first become interested in gender-affirming surgery?

At medical school, I was fortunate enough to be exposed to a robust transgender and non-binary curriculum. After conducting my own research, I realized that surgery in this field was in its infancy, and the community was underserved. I later found mentors who helped guide me to the path I am on today.

Journeying with individuals through one chapter of their transition process has been nothing short of a privilege, one I feel inspired by daily. I believe I am making a genuine difference in my patients’ lives, and I hope to do the same for you.

Of all places, why choose Texas to open your surgical practice?

Texas has one of the largest underserved trans and non-binary populations in the United States. My goal was to establish a practice in an area that would have a significant and lasting impact.

What’s your favorite aspect of your work?

My favorite part is the first smile.

Last year, I operated on a trans female patient who had transitioned years earlier and came to me for her final step. Several days after surgery at the big reveal, she smiled from ear to ear. With tears in her eyes, she said this was the first time in her life that she felt truly happy. It was a special moment between surgeon and patient, one that I will never forget.

What do you find most challenging?

No two patients are alike. While the surgical steps for these procedures are generally the same, every patient has unique nuances and quirks that require meticulous attention to detail.

I ensure every patient receives an individualized experience because that is what perfection demands. Most patients have been dreaming of this surgery for years and have a very specific idea of what they want. It's my job to live up to their expectations, and I take that responsibility very seriously. Translating my patient’s wishes into human tissue in a surgical setting is challenging but extremely rewarding.

What’s something you want your future clients to know?

My goal is to provide you with a different healthcare experience. Respect, compassion, and expertise make up the foundation on which this practice was built. Your hands must be firmly on the wheel from start to finish, and we tailor our techniques to meet your vision of perfection.

What would you say if you had the chance to speak to those who don’t understand the significance of your work or the population you serve?

I would tell those people to treat others with respect and refrain from projecting their experiences, values, and beliefs onto others. Transgender and non-binary experiences are valid, and gender dysphoria can be a life-threatening condition.

I would also tell those people they are missing out. The part I play in my patients’ transition is a small sliver of the self-affirming journey they have walked. Still, the joy I feel when I see them smile, when I hear that surgery has changed their lives for the better, is indescribable.

For more information on Dany, gender affirming surgery, or the Hanna Gender Center, please visit their website at and listen to the below segment on NPR’s show All Things Considered.