Posts in branding

This was my first ever “day in the life of” branding session. Let me set the scene…it’s 2013 in a city I had never spent time it. I am pretty sure I wandered into their shop our of sheer curiosity and said hey I would love to spend the day with you all and snap a few photos of you all just BEING together. You seem cool. Anytime I’ve done that I never regret my decision. Trust your gut and talk to people. My time with the crew over at Ink and Hammer Manufacturing Company in Dayton really left me wanting more. MORE of small businesses getting their hands dirty.

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I like to think of myself as a collector of connections. It’s an accurate way to describe the joy I get from meeting new people, and it’s a lot less threatening than saying I’m a “collector of people.” Win/win, right? There’s just something about feeling the spark of something new and exciting the first few minutes after an introduction, and it was especially strong with Dany. He and his family had met me at a local coffeehouse to talk through some photography possibilities, and his passion for his work and the people he serves was evident within the first few minutes of conversation.

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One of the questions I get the most is, “What do you love the most about what you do?” Whether that’s in passing conversation or in interviews, it always seems to come up and I always have the same answer… “Connection.” It’s one thing to take a picture, but it’s another to take a picture that tells someone’s story at a glance. It requires a sometimes unexpected amount of vulnerability from the photographer and the client, and the connections we create as a result are absolutely priceless.

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Born and raised in the heart of Barcelona. I carry with me everywhere I go the smell of the Mediterranean sea, the beach, the palm trees, the narrow alleys of the Gothic neighbourhood, the smell of fried fish from the Boqueria market. I love my city, and the more I travel the more I realise what an amazing city it is! I spent most of my life in Barcelona but always traveling at least one month per year. I lived in many cities, from London when I was a teenager to Rome as an industrial engineering student.

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Let me tell you about one of the top 3 most important days of my entire 36 years on this planet. I have had to come to terms with the fact that my words will not do this story justice, so I will keep it brief and allow the stories and images to speak for themselves. For me, 2019 has been the year of speaking up. Saying “YES” when I typically would’ve let fear of being seen take over my life forcing me to run away and live in the shadows of other people’s stories.

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A decade of connection // STEPH GRANT

Where it all started was wanting to tell my story. Last minute of course; I didn’t know if it was more of a I should tell my my story feeling or and I want to feeling. I was actually looking forward to having a highlight reel. That seemed easy enough, it had already happened! What scared me was sharing more personal stories about me, the missing link all of these years, and it is time. In December last year it hit me that February 2020 would be 10 years from quitting my job in CA, starting my business and moving away. A decade that flew by. From buying a camera and setting out on a quest to meet new people, learn their stories and share them. I craved the connection that I didn’t have growing up. I was done sitting around waiting for it to just happen. I went after it.

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